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Love & Zombies
15 Mins
Two juxtaposed survivors struggle to navigate the harsh reality of a zombie apocalypse whilst attempting to maintain their rocky relationship.
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Cereal Killer
Dark Comedy/Horror
15 Mins
A bickering couple in the lonely Welsh countryside awaken to find a mysterious bowl of cereal on their doorstep. Determined to discover its meaning, they
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Late Night Drive
20 Mins
A hapless delivery driver accidentally kills a unicorn on a late night drive, only to discover he’s now under a mysterious and life altering curse.
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Camomile Tea
20 Mins
An agoraphobic waitress begins to have nightmares which depict her own death. However when she meets Joel, a charismatic man who claims to attract near death experiences, her life begins to change.
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15 mins
Two childhood best friends enter the U.S Army shortly after the September 11th attacks, but the reality of war isn't what they were led to believe.
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Little Spoon
5 Mins
The day in the life of a lonely sentient teaspoon undergoing an existential crisis.
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The Dreaded Dog of Ingleby
10 mins
A bullied schoolboy must learn to overcome his fears when confronted with a vicious dog on his way to school, but all is not what it seems.
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20 mins
After a pet parrot of an emotionally unstable mob boss witnesses a murder, he escapes and is rescued by the Chief of police. Determined not to get sent down, the mob must track down the bird before he potentially testifies.
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Comedy Sketches
A collection of comedy sketches.
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